Brown Butter Blondies


Butterscotch richness from brown butter, plus loads of brown sugar and melty oversized semi-sweet chocolate chips take these blondies next level. Topped with just the right hit of sea salt, these are a Freshly Baked By Erica OG and for good reason.

16 2x2 squares

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Butterscotch richness from brown butter, plus loads of brown sugar and melty oversized semi-sweet chocolate chips take these blondies next level. Topped with just the right hit of sea salt, these are a Freshly Baked By Erica OG and for good reason.

16 2x2 squares

Butterscotch richness from brown butter, plus loads of brown sugar and melty oversized semi-sweet chocolate chips take these blondies next level. Topped with just the right hit of sea salt, these are a Freshly Baked By Erica OG and for good reason.

16 2x2 squares